Sunday, April 17, 2011

The last...oh let's see...6 months!

I always see how long it has been since I last updated my an update...promise to be better...and then it happens again. I am not the best blogger in the world, as you can see. Well the last 6 we go

In September Aubrey started preschool and LOVES it. She is picking up on her letters and number so well. We are proud of her! Plus now she loves doing her homework, I'm sure that will change really fast :)

Aubrey also got her first black eye while playing at a friends house. She was so tough, amazingly...but of course it was the week before pictures!

I LOVED our family pictures! We were able to get Aubrey's eye edited. Here are a few of them...

Halloween was fun dressing up as the Wizard of Oz. Aubrey loved trick-or-treating, but Casen didn't go. It was so cold and rainy. The cool part was that we had a rainbow appear and got to sing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" :)

Aren't they just the cutest!

The end of October and into November was a really rough time for my family. We lost our sweet grandma. I miss her everyday, and still have a hard time believing she is gone.

We were so happy to be able to spend Thanksgiving with my grandpa and his house. There was nowhere I would have rather been.