Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Aubrey LOVES her brother!

Because of the new rules at hospitals, Aubrey could not come to see her new brother until we came home. She had been staying with Grandma Janna. She couldn't get up the stairs fast enough and was all smiles.

She loves him as much today after two weeks as she did that first day. She has been a great big sister and helps her mommy and daddy with everything we will let her do. She mimics everything I do with her own babies, even breast feeding :)

She would hold her brother all day if we would let her. She covers him with kisses and hugs all day long. She doesn't like when he is asleep because we don't let her touch him. I asked her what she loves most about her brother, and she said, "He is sweeeet!"

Casen David Byers

We want all of you to meet Casen! We are so happy he is here. I had a scheduled C-section for January 9, 2010, but Casen had his own plans. At 1:00 am on December 28, 2009 I was laying in bed when my water broke. I was not prepared to have the baby yet, so you can say we were a little disorganized. We were trying to throw a bag together for us, the new baby, and Aubrey all at one in the morning. We forgot a lot of things, but we were able to get them later. We quickly dropped Aubrey off at my mom's, and we were off to the hospital. We were told that we would be going in for a C-section around 9:00am, so the waiting began. They told us to get some sleep while we waited, but really who would be able to sleep! We actually got pushed back on other time, so we headed to the operating room around 11:00am. It worked out well though because my sister Michelle was able to get off work and make it to the hospital before he was born. Casen was born on December 28, 2009 at 11:54 am. He was 6 lbs. 15 oz. and 19 inches long.

Some people say he looks like his daddy, and most people say he looks like his sister. I see both features in him. Some times I look at him and think he is Aubrey as a baby.

He has been a good baby! The only complaint I have is that he has his nights and days turned around. Many nights he doesn't go to sleep until 2:00-3:00am. It makes for a long night, but since Dave is out of work he has been wonderful at being up with him. We love our sweet angel and are so happy to have him in our family!